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About Apricot:

Apricot Tours (Government Licence: ID-2131) operate in Pakistan. The company's expertise particularly lies in tours, treks and also expedition assistance in the northern parts of Pakistan. Moreover it is important to mention that the company is equally involved in tourism-related activities throughout Pakistan with the same volume.

Born in northern areas of Pakistan and comprising of a diverse team from young minds to experienced team members, the company understands the strengths, weaknesses and most importantly the potential-for-improvement of tourism industry in Pakistan.

Our experienced staff is the best in realizing and responding to the needs of our guest for customized plans. Our security-centered approach towards designing plans and itineraries and providing free consultation on all matters while planning new itineraries makes us different. Our dedicated team works on providing latest information, pictures and videos through our website, social media campaigns and through direct communication. We operate in all four seasons!




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